Llano Drug Crimes Defense Lawyer

Attorney for Charges of Possession or Delivery of Controlled Substances in Llano County, Burnet County, Blanco County, and San Saba County
There are many different types of drugs that are considered to be "controlled substances." Because the possession and use of these drugs is regulated by the government, people who have been accused of illegally possessing, distributing, or manufacturing these substances could face drug charges. Crimes involving controlled substances are taken very seriously by law enforcement, and prosecutors will often pursue charges and impose severe penalties, even in situations involving relatively small amounts of a drug. To determine the best ways to respond to these types of charges, a person will need to work with a criminal defense attorney who has experience defending clients charged with drug-related offenses.
At the Law Office of Russ Alan Baker, PLLC, we know the difficulties faced by defendants who are charged with drug crimes, and we strive to help our clients resolve these matters successfully. Attorney Baker is an aggressive and experienced litigator, and he is fully prepared to defend his clients' rights in the courtroom. If you are facing drug charges, he will provide you with a strong and unwavering defense, working to ensure that you will be able to achieve a positive outcome to your case.
Drug-Related Charges in Texas
Under the Texas Health and Safety Code, controlled substances are categorized into multiple "penalty groups," and the consequences a person may face for different drug charges will depend on the types and amounts of drugs involved in their case. Substances in Penalty Group 1 are believed to be the most dangerous and addictive substances, and they include heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, morphine, and certain types of opioids. Other drugs, such as LSD, codeine, certain types of prescription medications, and marijuana, are not considered to be as harmful, but they can still lead to serious drug charges.
A person may face charges of drug possession if they are found to have any amount of illegal controlled substances on their person, in their vehicle, or in their home. However, large amounts of a substance may lead to charges of possession with intent to distribute. A person may be charged with manufacturing or delivering controlled substances if they are found in possession of drug manufacturing equipment or packaging materials or if they are accused of transporting drugs or delivering or selling substances to someone else.
Many cases involving controlled substances will lead to felony charges. For example, a person may be charged with a state jail felony for possessing less than one gram of a drug in Penalty Group 1, and if they are convicted, they may be sentenced to 180 days to two years in prison. The severity of the penalties a person may face can increase substantially in cases involving higher amounts of drugs. For instance, manufacturing or delivering between 4 and 200 grams of a substance in Penalty Group 1 is a first-degree felony, and a conviction can lead to a sentence of between 5 and 99 years in prison. If a person is accused of distributing drugs in multiple states or transporting controlled substances into the United States from another country, they could face federal drug charges, which may result in even more severe penalties.
Contact Our Burnet Drug Charges Defense Attorney
Following an arrest for a drug-related offense, you will need a strong advocate on your side to help you defend against drug charges. The Law Office of Russ Alan Baker, LLC can advise you of your rights and advocate on your behalf, and we will work with you to build a winning defense strategy. To set up a consultation and get the legal help you need, contact us today by calling 325-216-2006. We assist with drug charges and other criminal cases in Castell, Gillespie County, Johnson City, Llano, Cherokee, Blanco County, Mason, Llano County, Burnet, San Saba County, Kingsland, Marble Falls, Burnet County, Fredericksburg, Mason County, and throughout Central Texas.