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Facing Drug Charges in Texas

 Posted on May 05, 2023 in Criminal Defense

llano county criminal defenseThe state of Texas takes drug crimes seriously. There are a number of drug-related offenses that can result in harsh penalties if convicted. These penalties include convictions for crimes involving both illicit drugs and prescription medication. The severity of the penalty usually varies, depending on the type and amount of drugs involved, as well as the intent of the person arrested. The following are different types of charges a person can be arrested on. Any of these charges could result in jail time, depending on the circumstances and the defendant’s criminal record. This is why you should have a skilled drug crimes attorney advocating for you.

Drug Possession

Possession of illicit drugs is illegal in Texas. This also includes cannabis for recreational purposes, despite many other states legalizing the drug. Possession can be either actual, meaning the drugs are physically on the person or on their property, or constructive, meaning the person has control or access to the drugs.

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Legal Strategies for Fighting a Sex Crime Charge

 Posted on April 26, 2023 in Criminal Defense

llano county sex crime defense lawyer Being charged with a sex crime can be one of the most challenging experiences in a person’s life. Not only can sex crimes carry severe legal consequences, but they can also have a significant impact on a person’s reputation, relationships, and prospects. However, it is essential to remember that being charged with a sex crime does not mean a person is automatically guilty. Instead, there are ways to overcome such charges. Your first step toward fighting a sex crime charge is to hire a skilled criminal defense attorney to safeguard your rights and best interests.

Must-Do’s When Facing a Sex Crimes Charge

Here are the essential must-dos when trying to defeat a sex crime charge, including:

  • Hire an Experienced Criminal defense attorney – This is the first and most crucial step in overcoming a sex crimes charge. Without the assistance of a criminal defense attorney, you are putting yourself in a position of significant legal liability. Sex crimes can be complex cases, requiring an attorney with a robust knowledge of criminal law who will be able to build a competent defense strategy as you look to overcome the charges against you.

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Signs You May Be Heading Toward a Contentious Divorce

 Posted on April 13, 2023 in Family Law

llano divorce lawyer Divorce can be arduous and emotional, especially if it becomes highly contentious. While every divorce is unique, there are some common signs that you may be headed toward a contentious divorce. For anyone preparing to go through a divorce, understand that your divorce attorney is an invaluable resource during this time. Your attorney will guide you through the legal process while protecting your rights and best interests. 

Most Common Signs Your Divorce Will Be Contentious

Here are some of the most common warning signs to watch out for, including:

  • Lack of communication – One of the most significant signs that you may be heading towards a highly contentious divorce is a lack of communication between you and your spouse. If you cannot communicate effectively, it can lead to misunderstandings, disagreements, and, ultimately, a more complex divorce process. Therefore, it is essential to work on your communication skills and seek the help of a mediator if necessary.

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What You Should Do if You Have Been Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence 

 Posted on March 20, 2023 in Criminal Defense

marble falls domestic violence defense lawyerBeing falsely accused of domestic violence can be a traumatic, devastating, and  life-altering experience. It can affect your personal relationships, your job, and your reputation. However, it is essential to remember that being falsely accused does not mean that you will be automatically found guilty. Today, we will discuss what you should do if you are falsely accused of committing an act of domestic violence. As will be reiterated in today’s blog, if you have been falsely accused of any crime, particularly domestic violence, immediately seek legal representation to ensure your rights are protected as you fight to clear your name of these false charges. 

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Tips for How Grandparents Can Cope with Their Adult Child's Divorce

 Posted on March 10, 2023 in Family Law

marble falls divorce lawyerWhen thinking about and discussing the many ways divorce affects a family, we often forget to talk about the effect divorce has on all family members, including the grandparents. For grandparents with adult children, watching their child go through a divorce can be extremely difficult. But, whether you liked or disliked their spouse, you are probably most interested in seeing your child happy. And, of course, Divorce is all but a happy time. So, today, we will discuss how a grandparent can cope with their child's divorce.

While you may be apprehensive about becoming involved in your child's private matters, at the very least, encourage them to contact an experienced divorce attorney. Divorce is a challenging process, and without competent legal representation, their situation will likely become even more difficult than it already is.

Considerations for Grandparents When Their Adult Child is Getting a Divorce

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How Does Divorce Affect Children?

 Posted on February 22, 2023 in Family Law

Fredericksburg Family Law AttorneyDivorce is a traumatic experience for everyone involved, especially children. While divorce can bring an end to a potentially toxic or unhealthy marriage, it can also leave a profound impact on children’s mental and emotional well-being. Today, we are going to discuss the myriad of ways that divorce can affect children, both in the long term and short term. If you are getting a divorce and are concerned about how it may affect your child, contact an experienced divorce lawyer who has worked in cases involving children. Your lawyer may have recommendations on how best to protect your children from the emotional damage a divorce can involve. 

What Are Some Ways Divorce Affects Children? 

The following is a list of ways divorce may impact children:

  • Emotional impact – Divorce can significantly impact a child’s emotional well-being. Children may experience various emotions, including anxiety, anger, sadness, and depression. In addition, they may feel abandoned by a parent who leaves and may experience a sense of guilt or blame. 

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What You Should Know If You Are Charged with Domestic Abuse in Texas

 Posted on February 08, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Llano family violence defense attorneyIn the state of Texas, violent crimes, such as domestic abuse, are often prosecuted aggressively and to the fullest extent of the law. Domestic abuse charges can have severe consequences, including imprisonment, fines, and a tarnished reputation, which can manifest itself in your professional and personal life. Therefore, understanding what actions should be taken and avoided to protect your rights and mitigate the potential damage a guilty verdict could bring is crucial. 

Today, we will examine what you should and should not do if you are ever arrested and charged with domestic abuse. By following these guidelines, you may be able to put yourself in a better position to be found not guilty of the charges brought against you. But first, if you have been charged with domestic abuse, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney who will aggressively defend you against the serious charges brought against you. 

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Mistakes That Can Jeopardize Your Child Custody Case in Llano County

 Posted on January 23, 2023 in Family Law

Llano County child custody attorneyMost people who get a divorce and have children are often concerned about what the divorce will mean for issues related to their children. When it comes to child custody issues in Texas, courts generally presume that it is in the child's best interest for both parents to share custody of the child and, therefore, share certain parenting rights and responsibilities. When both parents have custody, this is referred to as joint managing conservatorship. But what about cases where one parent seeks sole custody of the child? In Texas, this is referred to as sole managing conservatorship. 

A parent may seek sole custody of their child for various reasons, such as in cases where a parent may be a danger to the child, like in cases of abuse. In this blog, we will look at certain mistakes many parents make when they seek sole custody of their child. If you want to be granted sole custody of your child, understand that this will be no small undertaking and will likely be highly difficult. However, if you are ready for the challenge, contact an experienced child custody attorney who will work to ensure your rights remain protected and you are given the best shot possible at gaining sole custody. 

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Defense Strategies for Beating a DWI Charge in Marble Falls

 Posted on January 14, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Llano DWI defense attorneyAs with many other states, Texas treats driving while intoxicated (DWI) with the utmost seriousness. If you are pulled over, arrested, charged, and convicted of even a first-time DWI, you will likely face thousands of dollars in fines and mandatory jail time and may lose your driving privileges for up to a year. If that has happened to you, it is critically important that you retain the legal services of an experienced DWI attorney. This blog will delve deeper into possible defense strategies that you and your DWI attorney may be able to implement in your case so that you can avoid being convicted and face the related consequences. 

Defense Strategies for Drunk Driving Charges in Texas

For someone to be convicted of DWI, the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt the different elements that constitute a DWI charge. An experienced DWI attorney will utilize different defense strategies to cast doubt on the prosecution’s claim that the defendant is guilty of DWI.

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Understanding Child Custody in Texas

 Posted on December 21, 2022 in Family Law

Llano child custody lawyerChild custody often plays a pivotal role in discussions when a couple with children is going through divorce proceedings. As is often the case, parents usually want to shield their child from the ugliness of divorce and maintain the child’s way of life to the fullest extent possible. Child custody discussions are an opportunity for divorcing parents to help ensure that their children’s lives and routines are impacted to the least extent possible. In this blog, we will delve deeper into child custody matters in Texas.

Before we begin, if you are going through a divorce and have children, contacting a knowledgeable child custody attorney can help ensure that your rights are protected. It can also help keep your child’s best interests at the forefront of every conversation.

Different Kinds of Conservatorships in Texas 

In Texas, the law refers to child custody as “conservatorship,” while the parent with custody is called the “conservator.” There are two primary forms of conservatorships in Texas. The first is joint managing conservatorship and then sole managing conservatorship. It is usually presumed that joint managing conservatorship is the most favorable option since most family courts believe that being both parents involved in their children’s lives is better than only one parent being involved. In this context, both parents being involved means each parent will have parental rights and duties. In best-case scenarios, two parents will form a written agreement regarding child custody matters instead of having the court decide.  

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